Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weekly Site Spotlight

Time for the... Weekly Site Spotlight!

This week's spotlight goes to: EnergyRace - "Make a Difference. Measure it here."

I'll be using the 4 C's grading scale for this one.

Creativity: 8 (nice little wavy top thing eh?)
Cleanliness: 9 (very clean!)
Color: 9 (decent mix/blend)
Code: 9 (logical and whitespace used well)
Total: 35/40

Not bad! Beats out last week's site spotlight by only one point.

Link of the Day

Ah, yes! Behold WebDivine's newest web design related feature: Link of the Day. In every post from now on (yes, until the end of time), I will be showing off a web design or web development link most deserving of the title of "Link of the Day".

I decided to start it off right, so I decided to choose a highly-qualified site.